Hubb Debates is a pioneering debate and live performance concept from Soul City Arts.
Audience members participate in the discussion, guided by a guest host. The debate is punctuated by performances from invited musicians & artists, who respond spontaneously to the topic at hand. The event is followed by hot food and drinks (included in ticket price), providing an opportunity to meet audience members, as well as the host and featured artists.
Hubb Debates has explored themes such as:
- The Surveillance State
- The Art of Empathy
- Malcom X’s Legacy: Integration vs Separatism
- Manchester Terror Attacks: What Now?
- Fear of the Immigrants
- The Age of Hatred
Hubb Debates illustrates the power of open conversation to reflect, engage and heal.
“I felt so comfortable in the group to talk openly and not feel judged. Often when people make sweeping comments, it is difficult to find the courage to challenge their views because people often judge you for being ‘preachy’! The time with this inspiring group of people has given me more courage to challenge people and open their minds! Thank you!”